
原名:Hotel Lux   又名:狂人大闷锅(台)

状态:22播放   更新:2023-08-21 12:08:29

三○年代初期,德国某处小剧院里可见到希特勒与史达林携手高歌共舞的荒谬景象,将国际紧绷局势化为一声声哄堂大笑。当纳粹开始四处猎杀异议人士,随之也拆散了希特勒、史达林这对合作无间的喜剧搭档,两人被迫各自亡命天涯。他原本以为自己将前往应许之地好莱坞,没想到却辗转在莫斯科落脚,被一群流亡共产党员、间谍与线民所环绕,阴错阳差成了史达林本尊的御用占星家。伴君如伴虎,在史达林阴晴不定的脾气下,他该如何保住自己的一条小命?In 1938 Hans Zeisig, an apolitical comedian, impersonator and cabaret actor, flees with a Russian passport (instead of American, which he would have preferred) from Nazi-Berlin, and finds himself in the legendary Hotel Lux, the 'lost paradise' of the Comintern, in Moscow. Everyone believes that Zeisig is a man named Hansen, Hitler's personal astrologer. But Zeisig quickly realizes that he's gone from the frying pan into the fire. In the Hotel Lux he meets his friends Frida and later Meyer again, still passionate communists. For the three idealists an adventure between love and death begins to run its course.
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