
原名:   又名:模拟末日 / 末日之书

状态:27播放   更新:2023-08-20 11:08:26

该剧由《犯罪现场调查》的制片人Carol Mendelsohn、编剧Mark Bianculli和VJ Boyd制片。故事起始于 9/11事件发生后,美国政府组建了一个秘密智囊团来研究可能发生的「人为灾难」及其解决方案。这个智囊团由科学界和娱乐界思维最活跃的人组成,他们假想的理论全都非常危险。美国政府开始感到害怕,于是封存了所有的文件(被称作「末日之书」),关闭了这个项目。但是有人不知从什么渠道获得了被秘密保存的「末日之书」,实施了一起完全参照其中「剧本」策划的大灾难,美国政府不得不重新召集多年前的那支团队,阻止他们自己构想的灾难成为现实。In the aftermath of 9/11, the U.S. government institutes a secret think tank featuring the most creative minds in science and entertainment that is tasked with dreaming up man-made disaster scenarios and their possible solutions; because the hypothetical ideas are deemed extremely dangerous, the list is sealed and the program shut down; but when a catastrophe occurs that's ripped from the pages of the missing doomsday book, the team is brought back years later to prevent the disasters of their own making.
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