
原名:シャーロック   又名:夏洛克 / Sherlock: Untold Stories

状态:完结+SP   更新:2024-01-21 05:01:37

夏洛克─誉狮子雄为犯罪搜查专门顾问,自学生时代起便解决了许多不可解之事件与。虽然被誉为天才,但却怀抱着「犯罪冲动」。华生─若宫润一,于东京都内的医院中担任精神科医师。看似善良冷静,但其实被虚荣心困扰,有着敏感纤细的个性。   两人由于某个事件相识,起初由于狮子雄失礼的态度让若宫敬而远之,而后却慢慢习惯对方的个性,进而一起…同居(!)   本剧改编自柯南‧道尔推理名作「夏洛克」。原作中许多叙述不多的事件,本次的月9将聚焦于这些事件上并进行改编,以东京奥运前一年的东京为舞台,「颜面最强、内面最狂」的双人组将带给各位怎么样的化学反应,敬请期待!Sherlock moves to Tokyo, Japan. Sherlock is a freelance criminologist. He is a brilliant mind who has the nose and acumen for detecting and finding criminal activity. Unfortunately, he also misuses his skills. He is a criminal who interacts with the cops and his customers. In steps Watson who is also brilliant but in many ways the opposite of Sherlock. Will they work together or clash soon enough? Their interactions will decide.