
原名:호텔 델루나   又名:月之酒店 / 酒店Deluna / Hotel Deluna / Hotel Del Luna

状态:完结   更新:2024-01-21 07:01:12

据悉演员IU、吕珍九确定接演tvN新剧《月之酒店》,该剧因是韩剧洪氏姐妹的新剧而备受瞩目,讲述精英酒店经理人因一场命中注定的事件而与美如皎月却性格孤僻的老板一同经营月之酒店的故事,IU李知恩将在剧中饰演张满月,因犯下重罪而在漫长岁月里被束缚于月之酒店,在酒店里打发着无聊琐碎的时光,外表高傲美丽,性格却异常孤僻,贪心善变又会耍心机;吕珍九将饰演精英酒店经理人具灿成一角,性格中有着强迫症、洁癖以及偏执的完美主义者,虽然看似理智又冷静,但其实内心也有着脆弱的一面,对自己要求严苛,打造了自己完美的工作履历,坐上了跨国酒店集团最年轻的二掌门的位置,却因意想不到的原因来到了月之酒店,接待鬼客。Jang Man Wol is the CEO of Hotel del Luna. The hotel is situated in downtown in Seoul and has a very old appearance. She made a big error many years ago and, because of this, she has been stuck at Hotel del Luna. She is beautiful, but she is fickle, suspicious and greedy. Goo Chan-Sung worked as the youngest assistant manager ever at a multinational hotel corporation. He is a sincere perfectionist. He looks level-headed, but he actually has a soft disposition. Due to an unexpected case, he begins to work as a manager at Hotel del Luna. The hotel's clientele consists of ghosts.
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