剧场版 七人魔法使 天空图书馆与真红魔王

原名:劇場版 トリニティセブン -天空図書館と真紅の魔王-   又名:剧场版 七人魔法使 第2弹 / 剧场版 TRINITY SEVEN -天空图书馆与真红魔王- / Trinity Seven: Heavens Library & Crimson Lord

状态:正片   更新:2023-08-20 09:08:55

某日,拥有“魔王因子”的魔王候补·春日新,无意中触碰到TRINITY SEVEN之一·浅见莉莉斯的魔道书《赫耳墨斯外典》,在那瞬间被耀眼的光包围,眼前出现了一名神秘少女。   被命名为“莉莉姆”,将新和莉莉丝当成双亲来尊敬的少女。但,在少女出现的同时,世界发生了异变——   觉醒的禁忌之“悠久图书馆”。 炼金术的究极产物——经由人之手创造的“白色魔王”被封印在那里。   “白色魔王”为了成为真正的魔王,而企图将新与TRINITY SEVEN抹杀   在拥有前所未有的强大力量的“白色魔王”面前,世界的崩坏以及走投无路的危机袭向新等人——   新与TRINITY SEVEN能够保护这个世界吗?Kaunda Arata, who has the "Devil 's Factor" to collapse the world, was conducting an investigation of the ruins along with Asami Lilith, one of the Trinity Seven. The strong power that responded to Arata's power, the neighborhood was covered with dazzling light, and if noticed there was a place that is in the sky than the old, a place that governs the wisdom of the whole world: "The Sky Library." Suddenly, a man with a face similar to Arata appears with red lightning. The name is Red Kaoru "Abis Trinity." He is a demon king destroying the demon king because of the powerful power to eradicate the city in a blink, it has been sealed in the "sky library" for a long time. He reacted to Arata 's Demon Law Factor and unlocked the seal; he regained power as a demon king and was planning to return the world to nothing.
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