
原名:Late Bloomers   又名:

状态:HD   更新:2024-01-21 07:01:40

故事发生在一间名为罗斯福的高中内,卡丽(迪·赫宁甘 Dee Hennigan 饰)是学校里的女秘书,最近,丈夫的古怪举动让她感到非常的不安,强烈怀疑丈夫背叛了自己,而丈夫最有可能的出轨对象,就是学校里的几何学老师戴安娜(Connie Nelson 饰)。为此,卡丽开始格外的注意戴安娜的一举一动,希望能够找到丈夫出轨的证据。   然而,很快,卡丽就发现自己弄错了,但在监视戴安娜的这段时间里,两人之间的感情突飞猛进,戴安娜深深的吸引了卡丽的注意,而趣味相投的两人很快就成为了无话不谈的好友。随着时间的推移,这种单纯的友谊渐渐发酵变质,当她们察觉之时一切都以为时已晚。The story of two ordinary women in their mid years, who live deep in the bible belt, populated by square teachers, libidinous students and home to suburban monotony. Carly is a married woman with two kids, who works as the school secretary; Dinah is the single, lonely math teacher who coaches the girls' basketball team. Long time disinterest between the women perchance evolves in to a series of one-on-one basketball games, during which the two women grow closer physically and emotionally, until one heated game ends spontaneously in a kiss. The outcry from family, friends and the community as the relationship between these two women blooms, creates a timely story in which is woven the notion of family, of gay relationships and which raises the banner of gay marriage.
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