高堡奇人 第三季

原名:The Man in the High Castle   又名:高城堡里的人

状态:4   更新:2023-08-20 09:08:43

Juliana发现了纳粹攫取终极霸权的计划。她能说服别人一起阻止这个计划吗?还是一切都已经晚了?最近声名大噪的John Smith发现对他家人的危险依旧存在。同时,德意志帝国对日本太平洋合众国采取报复性措施,紧张局势不断升级,商务部长Tagomi努力想让两国和平调解。忧心忡忡的首席检察长Kido则在搜寻他的宿敌。Juliana Crain makes a new acquaintance in the Neutral Zone - an Irish fixer named Wyatt - and soon finds herself on the run and seeking Tagomi's aid. The Japanese test an atomic bomb. Joe Blake is sent on a diplomatic mission to San Francisco. Kido hires a new sergeant. Nicole Dormer arrives in New York to head a new propaganda campaign. The Smiths struggle with the aftermath of Thomas' death.
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