
原名:先に生まれただけの僕   又名:只是先出生的我 / 我只是先出生而已 / 先出生的我 / 先生而为师

状态:完结   更新:2024-01-21 05:01:57

由樱井翔主演的《只是先出生的我》,讲述了杰出的商社精英鸣海凉介被派往一家经营不善的私立高中担任校长,重建学校的奋斗故事。Ryosuke Narumi works at a trading company and he is pretty good at his job. He dates Satoko Matsubara. The trading company has a business relationship with a private high school experiencing some difficulties. One day, Ryosuke is appointed as the principle of the private high school. He soon discovers how different the work environment is from his previous job. In order for the school to run in the black, Ryosuke implements cost-cutting measures. However, school staff members, including Chihiro Mashiba, oppose his plan.