
原名:Boso   又名:

状态:正片   更新:2024-01-21 06:01:29

傑克是一個安於現狀,容易滿足的年輕人。平常沒事喜歡和豬朋狗友們喝酒聊天。他是一棟公寓樓的管理員,公寓裏面的看門、維修、清潔等工作,他什麽都得干。一個偶然機會,他發現天花板可以通往公寓的所有房間,於是偷窺成了他工作之餘最大的娛樂活動。慢慢地,傑克熟悉了公寓里的每一個住客,也瞭解他們不為人知的秘密。包括,禱告完就馬上看A片的基督徒夫婦;青春發情期的女中學生丹尼絲;外表斯文、內心open的OL麗莎;從未踏出過房門的強尼先生...。當然,還有熱情如火的美女炮友海倫。自從美麗動人的塞西莉亞和他老公搬進公寓樓,傑克的內心產生了變化,他開始覺得該去改變一下自己的生活方向,可是事情的發展卻出乎他的意料......。Jake (Jeffrey Quizon) is a caretaker at a boarding residence that houses a whole array of characters-- a born-again couple with an addiction for porn movies, a nymphet masquerading as a shy school girl, a virgin discovering her lustful predilections. Through the holes, he has carved on the ceiling, with surreptitious perfection. Jake has become privy to their most intimate and darkest secrets. Keeping a watchful eye on these people is not just a means to satisfy his carnal curiosity it is an addiction that makes him feel like a god. But one day his life changes when he hovers over the lives of newlyweds Cecilia (Katya Santos) and Ding (Allen Dizon), her husband. While his eyes feast on the couple's sexual encounters, Jake develops a connection with Cecilia that he has never experienced before. For the first time, here is a woman who has shown him the real meaning of beauty. However, one night he takes on a careless turn triggering an incident that will eventually set a confrontation ...
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