被囚三年后刑满出狱的政治犯安德,一心只想过安稳平静的生活。他在建筑界找到工作,又与心仪的女孩结婚。正当一切顺利之际,麻烦却接踵而来。工地里的同僚因工资纠纷发动罢工,而安德与老板却份属老友,但在当时的社会制度下,骑墙是不可能的事,安德想面面俱圆,却换来两面不讨好。Filmed in 1976 and shelved for five years. A young man in his twenties leaves prison after a three-year sentence. He wants to start a new life in a place where he is not known and dreams only of a job, a wife and a family. He succeeds partially in fulfilling these dreams, but then runs into a conflict on a construction job between the corrupt boss and fellow workers secretly planning a strike. He becomes a pawn in one camp while remaining true to his ideals in the other. The unavoidable conflict destroys him.
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