
原名:Dimenticare Palermo   又名:The Palermo Connection

状态:328播放   更新:2023-08-20 05:08:13

卡尔米奈是意、美混血儿,他野心勃勃地参加了纽约市长竞选。他天真而玩世不恭,竞选诺言蛊惑人心,要建立一些戒毒恢复中心。意大利国家广播电视台的一位姑娘在采访他,他又放弃了建立戒毒中心的计划,转而致力于吸毒合法化。他一方面希望这样能给他带来大量选票,又担心使吸毒合法化会危害到黑手党的经济利益,他不愿与黑手党发生冲突。卡尔米奈的蜜月旅行来到故乡巴勒莫。无尽的美景今他心醉,可他感到自己陷入了难以排解的敌意包围之中。黑手党处处找他的麻烦,纠缠他新婚的妻子,想挑起争端,乘机将他杀死,再造成他自杀的假相。卡尔米奈乘乱溜,找到黑手党的头目,声称如果他们妨碍吸毒合法化的计划,将与他们血战到底。回纽约后,卡尔米奈又改变想法,搞起了戒毒恢复中心。不久,他又后悔了,主张吸毒合法化。卡尔米奈终于被人打了黑枪,死去。Carmine Bonavia wins election as the mayor of New York on a promise to legalize drugs. After the election, he marries Carrie and goes to his ancestral home of Sicily for their honeymoon. In his hotel, he meets Il Principe, a Sicilian prince who has spent years confined to the hotel because he crossed the Mafia. Amid the beauties of Sicily Carmine discovers that men of power will stop at nothing to prevent the legalization of drugs, which threatens their business.
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