
原名:Un divorce de chien   又名:

状态:17播放   更新:2023-08-20 04:08:27

一对貌似感情笃深的夫妇——朱利安和露的婚姻似乎要到头了,于是决定友好地分手。协议离婚手续、财产分割等等一切顺利。但是,一个最最关键的问题却摆在了他们的面前。那就是他们的狗狗如何安置,由谁来带?况且狗狗并没有它的主人那样聪明,更不认为它自己是个朝三暮四的家伙。由此,他们的 家人和朋友试图帮他们解决这件事情,然而,他们所做的只能使事情变得更糟......It comes as a surprise to everyone around them when Lou and Julien announce their plan to end their four-year marriage. As they have no children and are intent on remaining friendly, their divorce seems off to a very civilized start - until they are faced with an issue over which neither is willing to give in: which one of them will get custody of Alex, their beloved dog?
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