
原名:うる星やつら2 ビューティフル・ドリーマー   又名:Urusei Yatsura 2: Beautiful Dreamer / Urusei Yatsura 2: Byûtifuru dorîmâ

状态:HD720P中字   更新:2023-08-20 04:08:59

友引高中即将迎来新一年的学园祭,上到老师,下到学生,却都为了这个重要节日而忙碌。虽然应名还有最后一天的准备时间,但是日复一日,年复一年,学园祭开幕式却迟迟未能举行。疲劳的温泉老师从中感到蹊跷,他感到自己与周围的人每年都过着同样的生活,却丝毫未能察觉奇怪之处。温泉将这个想法告诉了樱花老师,两人商议命令天天泡在学校的学生们回家,可是无论如何兜兜转转,面堂等人最终还是回到了学校门口,而留守的温泉老师也就此失踪。经过数日同样的诡异生活,面堂、阿当等人同意与樱花老师成立事件真相纠察小组,大家一同进入了时间和空间分外诡异的友引高中……   本片根据漫画家高桥留美子的原作改编,是该系列动画的第二部电影版,导演押井守对影片的全新诠释却引起了原作者的不满。Lum is a cheerful alien who now lives with her human fiancée, Ataru and her goods friends on earth. The night before the school festival, the world begins to change, things seem to be repeating themselves. Gradually, all necessary functions come to a stop, people disappearing, streets deserting, buildings decaying except Lum and her friends who live ever happier. When they begin to probe the truth, they find out it's somebody's dream that is changing the world...
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