
原名:Buried Alive   又名:杀夫

状态:329播放   更新:2023-08-20 04:08:18

珍妮佛杰森李在本片饰演一位工于心计的狠毒妻子。 友善、博学的克蓝是一个一等一的好人,但他却有一个狠毒、不忠的妻子,不但与柯林医生暗通款曲,还秘谋联合一起杀掉克蓝。于是,他们从一条怪鱼中抽取一种令人产生心脏病的血浆,并注入克蓝体内,本以为克蓝会因此而毙命,没想到,怪事发生:克蓝复活了! 绝望无助的克蓝,从坟墓里爬了出来,恐怖复仇行动就此展开......Clint is an every day working man whose wife Joanna is having an affair with a doctor. They plot to kill him and get the insurance money. Only trouble the drug overdose they give him doesn't kill him. Lucky for Clint he's buried in a cheap wooden box and he unburies himself. Just remember, Hell hath no fury like a man buried alive!
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