
原名:La grande bouffe   又名:饕餮之徒 / 饕餮大餐 / Blow Out / The Big Feast

状态:正片   更新:2023-08-25 04:08:01

马塞洛(马塞洛·马斯楚安尼 Marcello Mastroianni 饰)、菲利普(菲利浦·诺瓦雷 Philippe Noiret 饰)、雨果(乌戈·托格内吉 Ugo Tognazzi 饰)和米歇尔(米歇尔·皮寇利 Michel Piccoli 饰)是四个事业有成但心灵空虚的中年男人,面对再无可恋的世界,四人决定以一种极其夸张的方式在极致的快感中迎来他们的死亡。   四人驱车来到了一幢地处偏远的别墅中,这里就是他们的死地,紧接着,一场十分荒唐却又极尽奢华的狂欢盛宴开始了,四人彻底抛弃了作为人的属性,任凭兽性肆虐。为了给这场死亡之宴增加亮点,他们邀请了三个妓女和一个小学女教师加入他们的行列。很快,对屋子里的一切忍无可忍的妓女们离开了,但小学女教师的兴致似乎比这四个疯狂的男人还有过之而无不及。Four successful middle-aged men Marcello, a pilot; Michel, a television executive; Ugo, a chef; and, Philippe, a judge go to Philippe's villa to eat themselves to death. After the first night, Marcello insists that women should join them. Three prostitutes make it through a day or two; Andrea, a local school teacher, stays to the end. The villa, the food, and a Bugati roadster are essential props.
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