
原名:천년호   又名:A Thousand Year-Old Fox / Thousand Years Fox / 千年白狐

状态:HD1280高清国语中字版   更新:2023-08-25 04:08:12

劇情簡介∶   故事發生於朝鮮的動盪年代,王后Jinseong(Kim Jee Jeong)打算引誘剛打仗凱旋歸來的大將軍Kim Wong Rang(Shin Young Hyun),金將軍對正室忠誠,最後妻子Yeo Hwa(Kim Ji Soo)仍鬱鬱不歡,最後與孩兒同歸於盡。死後Yeo Hwa化成千年狐,金將軍帶領著御前士兵保衛家園,希望救回妻子,但最終不成...   ..   導演∶申相玉   編劇∶郭一路   攝影∶崔承敏   演員:   申榮均…金元章   金芝秀…李玉華   金惠靜…真聖女王   金蘭榮   姜桂植…張仕忠   李基榮   金琪珠   崔聖寬   張仁漢   李雲星…何浩然   金蘭英…浩然妻   姜成姬…冬梅   池芳烈   崔成觀Once upon a time, under the reign of the three kingdoms, there was a woman who tempts a Buddhist priest named Cho. She is a one-thousand-year-old fox who intends to reincarnate as a human being. Not knowing this, Cho lives with the fox. But in the end, they get separated harboring sadness of unfulfilled love in this world.
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