
原名:Tobruk   又名:托卜鲁克 / 托布鲁克 / 要塞爆炸战

状态:1532播放   更新:2023-08-25 04:08:22

二战冒险题材经典彩色片。加拿大导演阿瑟·希勒(Arthur Hiller)代表作。1942年阿拉曼战役前的利比亚,由加拿大籍长程沙漠部队(LRDG)少校和SIG(犹太组织)德裔犹太人上尉及其部下参与的沙漠突击队在英军上校率领下,伪装成德军和英军战俘,开着一辆装甲车和五辆卡车穿越撒哈拉沙漠,前往托布鲁克袭击德军大型燃油库、摧毁意军炮台火力的冒险故事。影片以SIG成员前往阿尔及尔绑架少校开局,以冒险行动取得成功和沙漠突击队遭德军围剿结局。加拿大人与德裔犹太人的沙漠战争功勋。一路险象环生、枝节横生,堪称惊悚不断,精彩纷呈。片尾袭击德军大型燃油库的场面也相当壮观。洛克·哈德森(Rock Hudson)、乔治·佩帕德(George Peppard)、尼基尔·格林(Nigel Green)领衔主演。September 1942 - With Erwin Rommel's Afrika Korps on the march through Egypt, a British special forces unit, composed of German Jews who serve with the British despite the mutual resentment between both, kidnap a Canadian officer who is an expert topographer and who is held prisoner by the Vichy French in Algeria. The officer, Donald Craig, must negotiate a company of British and German-Jewish commandos through 800 miles of the Sahara to aide a pending amphibious landing against Tobruk's massive fuel storage base - a mission that sees one impediment after another, and which discovers an undetected German armored force ready to win the battle of Egypt.
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