
原名:十字鎖喉手   又名:Shaolin Handlock

状态:HD   更新:2024-01-21 06:01:17

由倪匡编剧,何梦华导演的功夫片。凌豪与李成鹰之父,原为合作伙伴,但凌父为抢夺李母,竟施计导致李父家破人亡。李成鹰为报父仇,潜入凌家作护卫,寻找机会报仇,期间李成鹰与失散兄长坤狮相遇,在互不知情下,手足相残,幸得李母及时透露真相,最后误会冰释,兄弟俩同仇敌忾,既报仇又为社会诛灭了一个专干贩毒勾当的罪魁……As an expert of the 'Cross fists' technique, a reclusive kung fu master Li Pai perfects a lethal maneuver called the 'Shaolin Handlock' while an old wolf-in-sheep's-clothing friend Fang Yun-piao pays the unwitting Li a visit. Fang flees the country after duping and killing Li with a fatal counter-measure. Vowing revenge, surviving son Li Cheng-ying and sister Li Meng-ping follows Fang's trail that leads to Thailand. Upon killing Fang, they discover that he was acting on orders of a local expatriate criminal kingpin, Ling Hao, who partnered with their father in black-market smuggling during the war. Proving his own worthy kung fu skills, Cheng-ying infiltrates Ling's organization as a hired hand to gain Ling's confidence to get closer to him much to the chagrin & suspicions of Ling's right hand man Kun Shih who engages Cheng-ying into a deadly cat & mouse game behind enemy lines. After a failed assassination attempt on Ling by Meng-ping, the intrigue is diverted to a beautiful kept blind woman on Ling's compound who provides a link to some deep-rooted family grievances involving everyone's shared past but not without consequences. Armed with the deadly Handlock maneuver, Cheng-ying & Kun Shih joins forces to exact revenge on the evil Ling Hao after the truth is unraveled.
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