
原名:   又名:Black Rose

状态:完结   更新:2023-08-25 04:08:25

陈美如(南红)与陈美玲(陈宝珠)两姊妹幼年时饱受贪官土豪欺凌,长大後化身黑玫瑰,凭一身武艺,劫富济贫。保险公司调查员张敏夫(谢贤)对美如身份起疑,调查过程中二人多番斗智,敏夫皆成败将。影片结合了不同的电影类型,人物塑造出色,斗智的过程亦引人入胜,在经营奇情曲折的娱乐性之外,更探讨个人力量如何改变环境的议题,其中寄托的社会关怀,却又与粤语片的传统遥相呼应。Chan sisters Chan Meiling and Chan Meiyu are respected high class, women in Hong Kong's more upscale neighborhoods. However, they both share an alter-ego called the Black Rose, a notorious cat burglar who dress in black leotards, and steal from the rich to give to the poor - taking on a Robin Hood-style mission. Even with their antihero status, the Black Rose has created uneasiness and tension in the high society; therefore, an insurance detective investigates the crimes and tries to unmask the woman behind the cat mask.