
原名:ひとりかくれんぼ 劇場版   又名:半夜鬼迷藏(台 ) / Hitori Kakurenbo

状态:51播放   更新:2023-08-25 03:08:57

夜深人静,在广为人知的留言板2ch上,几个仍未睡眠的孤独男女正兀自讨论着一个怪异恐怖的游戏——独人捉迷藏。这是都市传说中的一个降神仪式,通过它可以对所憎恨的人事先诅咒。虽然有着诸多危险,但是胆大妄为且无知好奇的年轻人依旧趋之若鹜,为此付出生命也在所不惜。某普通高中,名叫律子(河北麻友子 饰)的女孩因父母离异而倍感孤独,她偶然听说了独人捉迷藏的游戏,于是邀请想要杀死父亲的同学相川(碓井将大 饰)参加。可是异样的氛围令相川中途退出,而律子也神秘失踪。班主任凉子(川村ゆきえ 饰)在寻找律子时,无意中得知独人捉迷藏这个游戏的存在……   本片根据第一届手机恐怖小说奖同名获奖作品改编。When her classmate Ritsuko disappears, her friend Ryoko is desperate to find her. When she discovers that Ritsuko was playing a strange game online of hide and seek, she begins to wonder if it could be related to her disappearance somehow. Ryoko then discovers that the game is more sinister than it appeared at first. It is linked to demonology and the supernatural. Will she be able to get past her fears and superstitions to discover what secrets the game of hide and seek might hold?
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