
原名:山田くんと7人の魔女   又名:接吻狂魔

状态:完结   更新:2024-01-21 06:01:34

故事发生在私立朱雀高校之中,山田龙(逢坂良太 配音)是校园中有名的不良少年,同学老师们看见他恨不得绕着道走,而山田龙本人亦对无聊束缚的校园生活深恶痛绝。某日,一场意外竟然让他和优等生白石丽(早见沙织 配音)互换了身体,因而得知了白石丽隐藏在内心里的秘密,并在同级生宫村虎之介(增田俊树 配音)的唆使之下加入了超自然研究部。   同为部员的还有对超自然事件超级着迷的伊藤雅(内田真礼 配音)和不良少年椿剑太郎(佐佐木寿治 配音)。几人受腹黑的学生会会长山崎春马(福山润 配音)之命调查校园中存在魔女的事件,就此打开了新世界的大门。Attending the private school Suzaku High Ryu Yamada is a student completely bored with his surroundings. One day while following the honor student Urara Shiraishi up the stairs falls down on her waking up to have switched bodies by accidentally kissing. Finding out their ability to to swap bodies Toranosuke Miyamura, the student councils president discovers their abilities to go into one and others bodies offering them the abandoned supernatural studies club and clubroom.