在很久以前的遥远星系中,“炮弹一族”因其领袖的愚蠢,耗尽了自己星球的大气,于是计划夺取邻近的朱迪亚星球的纯净空气。在朱迪亚星球维斯帕公主(达芙妮•祖尼加 Daphne Zuniga 饰)婚礼前夕,炮弹族总统斯古(梅尔•布鲁克斯 Mel Brooks 饰)派出黑帽子大人率领巨型战舰绑架维斯帕,以威胁朱迪亚方面就范。维斯帕拒绝没有爱情的婚姻选择逃婚,却陷入了炮弹族巨舰的追击,这时,因为欠高利贷在太空中奔逃的太空牛仔“孤星”(比尔•普尔曼 Bill Pullman 饰)与半人半狗的搭档巴夫受朱迪亚国王所托,出面将维斯帕救走。炮弹族岂肯善罢甘休,正邪势力在太空上演了又一场激战……King Roland of the planet Druidia is trying to marry his daughter Princess Vespa to Prince Valium, but Vespa is kidnapped by the evil race of the Spaceballs. The Spaceballs ask Roland a tremendous ransom: all the air of Druidia (you see, the air of Spaceball had serious pollution problems...). The King decides to offer a generous amount of money to a space rogue, Lone Starr, to persuade him to save Vespa. What follows is the parody of a _LOT_ of famous SF movies.
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