
原名:咲-Saki-   又名:

状态:完结   更新:2024-01-21 04:01:57

在21世纪,麻将成为了世界性的娱乐活动,各地都在举办着相关的竞技比赛,其中要以在高中生之间举办的全国麻将大赛最为权威。同时,一部分在麻将上有着杰出天赋的选手们也接连浮出水面,天才少女宫永咲(植田佳奈 配音)和原村和(小清水亚美 配音)均为其中的一份子。   在麻将场上,原村和看重的是经验与数据,根据其丰富的对战经历为对手分门别类从而取得优势。宫永咲则有着完全不同的技巧,无论遇上怎样的牌局,均能够以不胜不服的成绩结束比赛。一次对决之后,不打不相识的两人决定加入学校的麻将部,战胜道路上不断涌现的敌人,最终称霸全国大赛。A tenth-former wore out an old acquaintance by name Saki Miyanaga in the school club of mahjong only because that knew rules, and for a game the fourth was not enough. Certainly, Saki nothing such did not show and, winning back three circles, moved away modestly. But only president of club Hisa Takei noticed that a guest all three meeting had made off "in a zero" - that a chance in any way can not be.
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