
原名:新白雪姫伝説プリーティア   又名:白雪战士

状态:完结   更新:2023-08-25 03:08:08

淡雪姬乃(吉田小百合 配音)自幼便失去了母亲,和父亲一起过着相依为命的生活,日子虽然清苦,但却充满了幸福。可是,平静的一切在父亲迎娶了第二任妻子后发生了翻天覆地的变化,淡雪姬乃不但受到了继母的折磨,还必须承受姐姐的欺侮。就在人生最痛苦的时候,淡雪姬乃遇见了她的骑士们,亦知晓了自己特殊的身份。   外冷内热沉默寡言的飒(鸟海浩铺 配音)、温柔可靠的细(樱井孝宏 配音)、沉着冷静的萤(成濑诚 配音)、单纯耿直的豪(森久保祥太郎 配音)、大大咧咧的万年(矢岛晶子 配音)、活泼可爱的初(福圆美里 配音)、学识渊博的新(仲西环 配音),淡雪姬乃必须和这七名骑士并肩作战,抵抗邪恶的势力。"Pretear" is about a 16 year old girl named Himeno who soon finds out she can become Pretear with the help of the Leafe Knights because of the power that lies within her. Her father, Kaoru, has recently married Natsue Awayuki, who owns just about everything in town. Before the marriage, Himeno and her father were very poor. Now they live in a huge mansion with their new family, several servants, and maids. To top everything off, Himeno becomes Pretear and constantly fights evil with the Leafe Knights. She learns the Princess of Disaster is her and the world's greatest enemy. Himeno is the only hope to save the world now. At this rate, Himeno finds herself in the middle of a magical world she never knew. Now rich, has friends, a new family, these newly discovered powers, and even a love interest. What more could a girl want to be happy, right?...
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