
原名:Wishmaster 3: Beyond the Gates of Hell   又名:破茧天魔3之邪恶魔法石(港) / 恶魔咆哮3之邪恶魔法石(台)

状态:HD   更新:2023-08-25 03:08:04

先介绍前两集的前情提要。恶魔咆哮系列的邪恶主角人称迪精,也就是一般人所谓的恶灵。迪精是远古波斯的恶灵,他被囚禁在一颗镶嵌在雕像上的秘石中已达数百年之久,不然…至少是从上一集开始。在恶魔咆哮3中,前途看好的助教戴安娜柯林斯(A.J. Cook,死亡日记」),在年幼时失去所有亲人,因此心中常有自杀的念头。她找到了这颗囚禁迪精的秘石,理所当然的,迪精也趁机逃了出来。而铁定会让许多女性观众忌妒的是,迪精霸占了巴拉许教授(Jason Connery-没错,他就是史恩康纳莱的儿子-果然会让女性忌妒吧?)的身体,而他正是戴安娜的爱慕者。迪精必须让戴安娜许下三个愿望,他才能打开地狱之门,释放所有的邪灵。为了逼她许下第三个愿望,迪精在大学校园大肆屠戮,在戴安娜屈服前,他绝不罢手。For the third time, the evil Wishmaster returns with more evil and grotesquery to wreck the life of more innocents. This time, his victim is a beautiful, innocent and studious teenage girl named Diana Collins who accidentally opened up the Djinn's tomb and released him. After gaining his freedom, the Djinn goes into a murderous frenzy though her college campus while trying to find Diana to fulfill her three wishes. While Diana is on the run, she must endeavor to prevent the Djinn from subjecting the entire world to Hell's wrath.
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