
原名:惡作劇2吻   又名:恶作剧之吻续集 / 甜蜜再恋 / They Kiss Again / 恶作剧之吻 第二部

状态:完结   更新:2024-03-02 01:03:29

《恶作剧之吻》尾声处,IQ200的江直树(郑元畅)在父母及湘琴(林依晨)好友的推波助澜下,终于接受曾将他原本平静的生活搞得一团糟糕的湘琴,两人合力解决掉他父亲遇到的企业难题更将亲密关系拉近,步入婚姻殿堂。   本剧穿插湘琴好友的爱情故事讲述了两人婚后的生活。已做人妻的湘琴虽立誓要尽快适应新角色,却依旧迷迷糊糊,她见老公将来会做大医生,决计要当护士,但读书对她常是折磨,两人感情因此生出诸多趣味以及“危机”。湘琴的好友纯美(杨佩婷)与男友阿布(炎亚纶),在湘琴父亲所开的餐馆打工的阿金(汪东城)与湘琴的朋友、英国来的女交换生克里斯廷(瑞莎)的爱情故事,也是一波三折。This sequel to "It Started With a Kiss" picks up after the marriage of oddball couple Yuan Xiang Qin (Ariel Lin) and Jiang Zhi Shu (Joe Cheng). Adorably inept Yuan Xiang Qin is on a quest to complement her "soon to be doctor" husband in the workplace by becoming a nurse. But she soon encounters speed bumps on her road to "happily ever after" in the form of academic concerns and romantic rivals. Meanwhile, Yuan Xiang Qin's childhood friend, Ah Jin (Jiro Wang), deals with the unwelcome affections of an English exchange student, Christine (Larisa Bakurova).