
原名:Femme Fatale   又名:绝色偷天(港) / 双面惊悚(台)

状态:HD   更新:2024-01-28 01:01:23

劳拉•艾什(丽贝卡•罗梅恩 饰)与同党瑞西、威克斯在一个电影首映式上,出尽法宝要偷取一条佩戴在某位明星身上,价值千万的钻石项链。劳拉在神不知鬼不觉之间,把仿品成功与真品掉包。同党打算把女明星杀掉,劳拉出手阻止。两人较量时,劳拉把同党一同杀死了。   劳拉害怕自己的身份被识破,处处躲藏,直到她得到了另一个身份。一个与她相貌惊人相似的女人莉莉自杀了,当她目睹这一切之际,她决定盗用莉莉的身份。借助新的身份她的新生活开始了,她也成为了他人的妻子,感受到了家庭的温暖。   尼古拉斯(安东尼奥•班德拉斯 饰)的职业是记者,自他认识劳拉后,他对劳拉鲜为人知的过去非常感兴趣,企图要揭开她的底细,也因此迫使劳拉要对自己的身份作出抉择……The thief Laurie Ash steals the expensive diamond jewel called 'Eye of the Serpent' in an audacious heist during an exhibition in Cannes 2001 Festival. She double-crosses her partners and is mistakenly taken as Lily, a woman who lost her husband and son in an accident and is missing since then, by an ordinary family. One day, while having bath in Lily's bathtub, Lily comes back home and commits suicide. Laurie assumes definitely Lily's identity, goes to America where she marries a rich man, who becomes the Ambassador of USA in France. When Laurie returns to France, her past haunts her.
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