
原名:我的兄弟姐妹   又名:Roots and Branches

状态:正片   更新:2024-01-21 07:01:02

女指挥家齐思甜(梁咏琪 饰)首次回国演出,她想趁着这次机会找回失散多年的兄弟姐妹们。20年前,齐家父亲(崔健 饰)是一个音乐老师,家中虽然清贫但也算是幸福。母亲(张健新 饰)长年来积劳成疾,突然病重。父亲在大暴雪的夜里送母亲到医院,却遇上了车祸。忆苦、思甜、天、妙四个孩子也成为了孤儿。   表叔好心要求收留他们,但表叔家里也不富裕,更受到了表婶的强烈反对,大哥忆苦只好忍痛把弟弟妹妹都送给他人收养。4兄弟姐妹自此失散,但每人手里都拿着一张全家福。20年后的各人都有了各自的生活,或苦或甜,思甜苦苦追查也只找到了弟弟妹妹,忆苦碍于自己的寒微而不敢与思甜相认。演出如期到来,忆苦缺席了……The story depicts a family's siblings separated a a very long age when their mother dies young and the father can no longer care for them in China. They are split up for adoption, each child to a different family. It is heart wrenching to see the pain as each child is separated. Now fast forward twenty years and one daughter who immigrated to the west, is now a reknown concert conductor who returns to China for a concert with her husband. While there she undertakes a search for her four missing siblings. Will she be able to search the vastness of China?
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