
喜剧 奇幻 冒险  未知 2000  未知

原名:Camera   又名:

状态:70播放   更新:2023-08-25 03:08:55

一台便携式摄像机获得了一段不同寻常的经历,从被购买的那一天起,它的命运便充满了惊险和刺激。这台摄像机被人偷盗、抢劫、转卖、抵押,拍摄广告、收录生活瞬间、记录惊险自杀现场。它周转于不同人之手,见识世间百态,大千世界,光怪陆离,全部通过镜头被忠实记录下来。摄像机最后落入导演Richard Martini之手,终于结束了其不平凡的旅程。   本片为Dogma95计划15号作品,拍摄成本仅为300美元。Story of a video camera that goes on an adventure around the world. It's stolen, pawned, bought and generally goes in and out of bedrooms, shoots commercials, follows the life of an average ordinary video camera that goes around the planet until it winds up in the hands of filmmaker Richard Martini. This film has been designated at Dogma #15 by the Danish film group Dogme95.
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