
原名:Tales from the Darkside: The Movie   又名:大小精灵

状态:HD1080P中字   更新:2023-08-25 02:08:56

提米,机智的男孩,他阅读的题材将救他一命。   安迪,他的命还操纵在于是否能看得懂三千年前的古文;霍斯福对于个人能力过于自负,终将自食恶果;普利斯顿及克罗拉,他们的幸福婚姻将因普利斯顿毁了十年前答允的誓言而将告结束;这部电影融合紧张与恐怖,是真是幻似是而非的感觉,随之而来将扭曲你的意识并逆入一个新的境界 。This is really three shorter movies, bound together by a fourth tale in which the other three stories are read. The first segment features an animated mummy stalking selected student victims; the second tale tells the story of a "cat from Hell" who cannot be killed and leaves a trail of victims behind it; the third story is about a man who witnesses a bizarre killing and promises never to tell what he saw, and the "in-between" bit is the story of a woman preparing to cook her newspaper boy for supper.
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