
原名:修羅雪姫   又名:Lady Snowblood / Shurayukihime

状态:蓝光   更新:2024-03-02 01:03:29

德川幕府倒台,日本进入开明的民主时代。但是明治时期政府、军队及至商贾仍存在腐败贪婪的现象。明治八年爆发血税暴乱,小学教师鹿岛刚(大門正明 饰)携家眷旅行途中遭到暴乱农民的袭击,鹿岛和儿子司郎(内田慎一 饰)惨遭杀害,他的妻子小夜(赤座美代子 饰)则被暴民侵犯。在此之后,小夜瞅准时机杀死一名暴徒,入狱后她与狱警、官员私通,千方百计产下一女,取名雪姬,并将为家族复仇的使命交给女儿。狱友同情小夜的遭遇,想尽办法将雪姬托付给武功高强的僧人大臣道海(西村晃 饰)修行。20年后,背负着莫大仇恨的修罗雪姬(梶芽衣子 饰)携着血雨腥风来至人间……   本片根据小池一夫(漫画脚本)和上村一夫(作画)的漫画原著改编,主题歌后被昆汀·塔伦蒂诺用到《杀死比尔》中。Yuki's family is nearly wiped out before she is born due to the machinations of a band of criminals. These criminals kidnap and brutalize her mother but leave her alive. Later her mother ends up in prison with only revenge to keep her alive. She creates an instrument for this revenge by purposefully getting pregnant. Though she dies in childbirth, she makes sure that the child will be raised as an assassin to kill the criminals who destroyed her family. Young Yuki never knows the love of a family but only killing and revenge.
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