孤国春秋 第一季

原名:The Last Kingdom   又名:最后的王国

状态:第8集完结   更新:2024-01-20 10:01:46

公元872年,四分五裂的英伦帝国受到入侵的维京人的蹂躏,仅剩下阿尔弗雷德大帝统治的威塞克斯王国屹立不倒。在这个充满混乱的年代,年轻勇士尤特雷德(Uhtred)逐渐成为传说中的英雄。他的父母(撒克逊贵族)都被维京人杀死,他自己也遭到劫掠者的绑架,被他们当做自己的孩子抚养成 人。他被迫在自己出生的祖国和抚养自己长大的亲人之间做出选择,他的忠诚度一次又一次面临考验。为了重获自己与生俱来的权利,尤特雷德(Uhtred)走上了一条危险的道路。他游走于敌对的双方之间,在一个新国家的诞生过程中起着关键的作用。他的最终目标是夺回自己祖先的土地,但那绝非易事。The year is 872, and many of the separate kingdoms of what we now know as England have fallen to the invading Danes, leaving the great kingdom of Wessex standing alone and defiant under the command of King Alfred. Against this turbulent backdrop lives our hero, Uhtred. Born the son of a Saxon nobleman, he is captured by the Danes and raised as one of their own. Forced to choose between the country of his birth and the people of his upbringing, his loyalties are ever tested. What is he? Saxon or Dane? On a quest to reclaim his birthright, Uhtred must tread a dangerous path between both sides if he is to play his part in the birth of a new nation and, ultimately, recapture his ancestral lands.
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