交响情人梦 最终乐章 前篇

原名:のだめカンタービレ 最終楽章 前編   又名:交响情人梦 电影版1 / Nodame Cantabile: The Movie I

状态:HD   更新:2024-03-02 01:03:29

经过在法国巴黎一年的努力打拼,千秋真一(玉木宏 饰)渐渐成长为备受瞩目的指挥家,野田惠在音乐学院的学业也在有条不紊地进行中。而就在此春风得意的时刻,艾莉莎(吉瀬美智子 饰)命令千秋去担任宫殿专用乐团Roux-marlet乐团的首席指挥。虽然该乐团声名显赫,但早已今非昔比,由于资金断链,人才相继流失,临时演奏家占多数且缺少练习的乐团,其窘况可想而知。种种困境让千秋备感困扰,为此他找来野田惠(上野树里 饰)加入练习,而碰巧来到巴黎的孙蕊(山田优 饰)也加入其中。糟糕的现状,一切似乎都要从头开始……   本片根据二之宫知子的原著漫画改编。Talented violinist Chiaki Shinichi really wants to become an orchestral conductor. In the final year at his Tokyo conservatory he finds himself living next door to a brilliant but undisciplined pianist named Noda Megumi, nicknamed "Nodame." Nodame soon declares herself in love with Chiaki. Though he demurs at first he finds himself attracted by both her talent and her quirky personality.
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