玛丽亚是一个迷人的派对女孩,她以别人的钱为生。有一次在阿联酋,她和一个亿万富翁的妻子去了一家夜总会,派对失控了,现在玛丽亚面临牢狱之灾,危险人物追杀她,她的账户被封锁。她不得不逃到俄罗斯,但她在家里也不安全--女孩在一个修道院的围墙内避难。@游目骋观影Maria is charming and reckless. She never takes no for an answer and cannot spend a day without jumping into some risky venture. While on vacation with a wealthy couple in Dubai Maria lures Angelina, the dangerous and powerful billionaire's wife, to a party with some dubious guys. The next morning she wakes up alone to find out that her companion is gone, a scandalous video of their last night's escapades has been uploaded online and Angelina's husband Nikolai is furious and wants her dead. Having nowhere to go in a foreign country Maria spends her last money on the ticket to her homeland only to discover that Nikolai's people are already there, waiting for her to arrive. After having a close call, she finds herself in a remote northern monastery-the only safe place where no one's going to be looking for her. But the longer Maria stays in her new shelter, the more her presence here changes everyone around.
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