
原名:透明なゆりかご   又名:

状态:完结   更新:2024-01-21 05:01:47

該劇改編自日本漫畫家沖田×華所作的漫畫,講述的是婦產科接生的百態。   17歲的葵,作為護士見習來到婦產醫院。   她見證著生命的出生和隕落,在與寶寶們的接觸中,探究何為生命。In the Summer of 1997, Aoi is a 17-year-old girl. She begins to work at a maternity hospital as an apprentice nurse. She witnesses an abortion with her own eyes and becomes shocked. The hospital staff, including Director Tomohiro Yui, nurse Sayako Mochizuki and chief nurse Mie Sakaki, all support each other. Aoi's mother Fumika is worried about Aoi's poor communication skills, but Aoi approaches pregnant women with tenderness and her own unique sensitivity.