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原名:我的诗篇   又名:

状态:正片   更新:2024-01-21 03:01:24

生活就是艺术,人人皆有诗心。六名打工者,六个我们最熟悉的陌生人,漂泊于故乡与城市之间,忙碌于幽深的矿井与轰鸣的流水线,饱经人间冷暖,同时将这样的生活化作动人的诗篇。“我的诗篇”就是写给世界的情书,来自地心深处、矿洞尽头、归乡途中、新婚之夜,来自所有诗意照进现实的时刻;而《我的诗篇》则是关于平凡世界与非凡诗意的故事,蕴含着对陌生人最深切的祝福。An assembly line worker in an Apple factory who commits suicide at the young age of 24, leaving behind 200 poems of despair-"I swallowed an iron moon....."; a guileless lathe operator who is rebuffed at every turn, living in the world of his poetry; a female clothing factory worker who lives in poverty but writes poetry rich in dignity and love; a coalminer who works deep in the earth year round, trying to contact and make peace with the spirits of his dead coworkers through his poetry; and a goldmine demolitions worker who blasts rocks several kilometers into mountainsides to support his family, while writing poetry to carry the weight of his fury and affections-"My body carries three tons of dynamite...." They could be any of the 350 million workers in China, and yet these five are also poets. Using poetry as a tool to chip away at the ice of silence, they express the hidden life stories and experiences of people living at the bottom of the society. This is one story behind the ...





