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原名:Tout doit disparaître   又名:

状态:高清   更新:2023-08-22 10:08:07

富商豪拜与女秘书偷情,被妻子依莱娜雇佣的私家侦探高勒发现。豪拜为了摆脱妻子的纠缠,约请作家热拉尔为其撰写了一部侦探小说,并依照书中的作案情节意图谋害依莱娜。不想热拉尔恰巧搭救了依莱娜。豪拜阴谋未遂,反遭高勒敲诈,他不得不四处应付……而不难不死的依莱娜则按照热拉尔另一部小说的情节,开始对豪拜和艾娃实施报复……Robert Millard has based his industrial kingdom - based on all the noise technologies - thanks to his marriage with the wealthy and cantankerous Irene, he blithely cheat for years. However, his last link with his pretty secretary, Eve, is the straw that broke the camel: Irene has indeed hired a detective-photographer, aptly named M. Colle in order to have a maximum of incriminating shots. Threatened to divorce and thus to total ruin by his wife, the unfaithful husband should give up and dismiss Eve. Decided not to let themselves dictated by his wife and too cowardly to leave his fortune, CEO at random for an air trip, he meets Gérard Piche, novelist police station, specializing in the perfect crime. Millard then contracts with the naive writer so that he write his new novel, a new murder without evidence overwhelming, one last perfect crime. Robert has followed carefully to remove the cumbersome Irene. But nothing will really unfold as planned - all under the objective of tenacious ...





