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故事发生在1946年。内战过后,西班牙中心地带的某个地方只剩下绝望,贫穷和流犯。有一个男孩不断逃亡,并在沟渠中找到了藏身之处。搜查队离开后,他面对的是一个充满危险和干旱的平原。万幸的是,他在穿越平原的路上遇到了一个牧羊人,两人最终选择同行。一路上,他们必须应对饥饿和缺水,并逃避由工头派来寻找男孩的人。牧羊人成为男孩的导师:他解释了他的职业和他对生活的理解。随着时间的流逝,牧羊人也知晓了男孩想要逃避的究竟是怎样的恐惧。1946. In a remote and undetermined corner of Andalucía (south to Spain), a nameless child, "Kid", escapes from the house of Capataz, the cruel and abusive landholder of the zone who imposes his personal law with fear, rage and violence in the scared and illiterate population. In a country impoverished with absence of money and resources but full of hunger, hate and blood after General Franco won Spanish Civil War seven years ago, Kid crosses alone the desert of the wastelands that spread around him with a compass and a bit of water and food. In the hope to arrive to the city in order to revenge of Capataz and free his family from the man who bought him to his parents, Kid loses the compass and the water bottle while he tried to hide of a farmer who was moving his livestock. Noticing the escape, Capataz and his henchmen El Triana, El Segovia, El Portugués and El Viejo start a searching to capture alive to recover the gold pocket watch that Kid stolen to Capataz. Thirsty and hungry, Kid...
恶劣天气 Out.In.The.Open.2019.SPANISH.1080p.BluRay.x264.DTS-FGT.rar

资源名:恶劣天气 Out.In.The.Open.2019.SPANISH.1080p.BluRay.x264.DTS-FGT.rar




