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原名:Everything Must Go   又名:

状态:正片   更新:2024-01-21 03:01:23

尼克(威尔·法瑞尔 Will Ferrell 饰)只是一届小小推销员,在为公司做牛做马16年后,他非但没有得到晋升,反而落得了被残忍开除的下场,而尼克所获得的遣散补偿,竟然只是一把小小的军刀。老天爷似乎存心要和尼克作对,失意的他回到家后,眼见出现的景象简直让他抓狂。原来,妻子对终日浑浑噩噩的尼克失去了信任,她将他的所有家当扫地出门后更换了门锁拒绝再与尼克相见。   无家可归的尼克所拥有的全部就是身边的那一堆破破烂烂的垃圾,不甘于现状的他决定利用自己推销员的技能搞一个户外大甩卖。然而,正是这大甩卖让尼克找到了生活的方向,同时将名为撒玛利亚(丽贝卡·豪尔 Rebecca Hall 饰)的漂亮女人带到了他的身边。After Nick is fired from his sales job, mostly because of his penchant for alcohol, he comes home and finds that his wife has kicked him and all of his stuff out of the house and onto the front lawn. He is pretty intent on just sitting in his chair, drinking beer, on the lawn. His cop friend, Frank Garcia, thinks he should at least pretend to have a yard sale to make it legal. He slowly starts making friends with a neighborhood kid who needs something to do, and a pregnant wife who has just moved in across the street, and Nick finds himself moving on and selling all his stuff.
大甩卖 Everything Must Go (2010) 蓝光版 中英字幕

资源名:大甩卖 Everything Must Go (2010) 蓝光版 中英字幕




