原名:はたらく細胞BLACK   又名:Cells at Work! Code Black

状态:13集全   更新:2024-01-21 08:01:08

每天拼命在体内搬运氧气的新人红血球。他的职场劳动环境,却是彻底的黑暗(BLACK)——!!饮酒、吸烟、压力、睡眠不足……在如同不健康的综合商社一样的世界中,历经过重劳动的细胞们有何感想?这是你的身体的故事——Humans are complex biological robots that are made up of trillion of cells, each with their own structure and function. Even a single cell cannot slack off. Scientists have come a long way in estimating the number of cells in the average human body. According to the most recent estimates, the number of cells in a human body is around 30 trillion. Hataraku Saibou Black is about a fight of these 30 trillion cells against the bad habits of the owner of the body to keep him alive.
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