
原名:Dragon   又名:

状态:更新至16集   更新:2024-01-21 05:01:30

在这个史诗三部曲第一部中,伟大的Esplaine爵士的王国陷入敌人围城的危险境地,年轻的公主Vanir接受了给她的第一个也是最重要的任务,去向邻国Blackthorn求援,但她必须先通过人类已知最残忍的野兽的巢穴——sidhe黑森林,一同前往的还有忠诚的护卫Cador和Artemir,他们前进的路上将可能遭遇侏儒的军队、神秘的女巫还有强大的龙族,一些人可能会倒下,而有人将最终成为英雄。In a desperate attempt to save her kingdom from an advancing army of dark elves, Princess Vanir must traverse the haunted forest of Sidhe. With the help of loyal adventurers Cador and Artemir, they encounter the army of elves, a mysterious sorceress, and the powerful dragon that stands in their way. Bring the Dragon into your home from December 12th at Blockbuster and Hollywood Video... and let the adventure begin!