机动战士高达 THE ORIGIN Ⅱ 悲伤的阿尔黛西亚

原名:機動戦士ガンダム THE ORIGIN Ⅱ 哀しみのアルテイシア   又名:机动战士高达:起源2 / Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin II: Artesia's Sorrow

状态:完结   更新:2024-01-21 07:01:35

宇宙世紀0071年。サイド3ムンゾ自治共和国の議長だった父ジオン・ズム・ダイクンを亡くしたキャスバルとアルテイシアは、父の側近ジンバ・ラルと一緒にサイド3を脱出。地球で、エドワウ・マスとセイラ・マスと名前を変えて生活していた。一方サイド3はジオン自治共和国と国名を改め、副議長だったデギン・ソド・ザビ率いるザビ家が実権を掌握。ザビ家はキャスバルとアルテイシアを追いつつ、対地球連邦軍をにらみ、新兵器のモビルワーカーの開発に着手していた。Universal Century 0071. Three years have passed since the escape from Side 3's Autonomous Republic of Munzo. Casval and Artesia, the orphaned children of Zeon Zum Deikun, have fled to Earth along with Jimba Ral and taken refuge in the household of Teabolo Mass. They now live quiet lives under the names Édouard and Sayla. However, they are once again being targeted by the evil schemes of the pursuing Zabi family... Meanwhile, Side 3 has been renamed the Autonomous Republic of Zeon. The Zabi family have seized power, and as they consolidate their system of control, they embark on the development of a new weapon called the mobile worker in order to resist the Earth Federation Forces.
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