
原名:高品格单恋   又名:고품격 짝사랑 / High End Crush

状态:完结   更新:2024-01-21 05:01:31

娱乐界赫赫有名的经纪企划公司大老板世勋,偶然间遇到了不食人间烟火的山村姑娘伊玲,认为伊玲是个难得的明星材料,各种穷追猛打要将她收纳为自己公司的旗下艺人,而伊玲从小深受儒家教育思想熏陶,对做明星丝毫不感兴趣。两个性格如同水火一样的男女就此展开一段奇妙的缘分。世勋突然恍然大悟自己和伊玲不是伯乐和千里马的关系,而是从最初就是一见钟情。为了自己心爱的那个她,他展开了一段由“王子”变身“屌丝”的历程。When Yoo Yi Ryung (Jin Se Yun) falls for a rich boy, she quickly discovers that money - or the lack of it - can seriously complicate a relationship. Is a priceless romance enough to convince Choi Sae Hoon (Jung Il Woo) to explore outside of his ivory tower, or is he too posh to be seen on on the other side of the tracks with his beautiful, but penniless crush? © 2015 KIMJONGHAK PRODUCTION Co.,Ltd / Tianjin Golden Fox Culture Communication Limited
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