
原名:L'anniversario   又名:The Anniversary (俄国) / Aastapäev (罗马尼亚)

状态:22播放   更新:2023-06-04 12:06:34

今天,罗莎庆祝她与罗伯托订婚的周年纪念日。当她等他吃饭时,她和弟弟安吉洛一起在泳池里度过了一个下午。他们开始评论几天前发生的一则新闻:在离城市几公里的田野里发现了一具男孩的尸体。罗伯托比他们预期的要早:三人之间的眼神变得神秘而不安。Today, Rosa celebrates the anniversary of her engagement with Roberto. While she waits for him for dinner, she spends the afternoon in the pool with her younger brother Angelo. They begin to comment on a news story happened a few days earlier: the body of a boy found in a field a few kilometres from the city. Roberto arrives before they expected: the glances between the three become enigmatic and restless.
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