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原名:爱的理想生活   又名:

状态:完结   更新:2024-01-21 04:01:33

家庭条件优越的戴希希一心只想早日嫁人、相夫教子,在闺蜜丁荟桥的推荐下找到了婚礼策划师温如雪,却在筹办婚礼时被分手;久经情场的温如雪一直倡导及时行乐,看似放荡不羁实则很有原则;热衷于二次元文化的温小阳忍受不了澳洲求学生活,肄业来上海投靠姐姐温如雪;又美又飒的事业女强人丁荟桥把工作当做自己人生最重要的目标;从小就生活不幸的漫画少女齐悦机缘巧合下与温小阳相识,彼此引为挚友,五位不同风格的女生相遇,在跌跌撞撞中成长,在不妥协的道路上,终于找到自己想要的归属。Dai Xixi, who has superior family conditions, only wants to marry as soon as possible, and her husband and godson. Under the recommendation of her best friend Ding Huiqiao, she found the wedding planner Wen Ruxue, but she was broken up when she was preparing for the wedding. Wen Ruxue, who has been in love for a long time, has always advocated having fun in time. Wen Xiaoyang, who is keen on the two-dimensional culture, is very principled. Wen Xiaoyang, who is keen on the two-dimensional culture, could not stand the study life in Australia, and dropped out to Shanghai to join her sister Wen Ruxue. Ding Huiqiao, a strong woman with a beautiful and rustling career, regards work as the most important goal in her life. Qi Yue, a comic book girl who has lived an unhappy life since childhood, met Wen Xiaoyang by chance and introduced them to each other as best friends. Five girls of different styles met and grew up stumbling, and finally found the place they wanted on the road of intransigence.





