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原名:ゆるキャン△   又名:

状态:12集全+OVA   更新:2024-01-21 04:01:59

这是,某个冬日的故事。 女高中生抚子刚从静冈搬家到山梨,为了观赏“绘制在千元纸币上的”富士山,骑着自行车来到本栖湖。但不巧天气是阴天,没能看到富士山,抚子累得当场躺下睡着了。当她醒过来的时候,时间已是深夜。在第一次到达的地方,早已忘记了回家的路途。一个爱好露营的女孩子凛,向不安胆怯的抚子伸出了援手。为了温暖冻僵的身体,两人点燃了篝火。噼啪噼啪的柴火爆音,在静寂的湖畔显得沁人心脾。围着篝火,抚子和凛一边捧着咖喱面一边对话。终于,两人期盼已久的瞬间到来了。   “看到了……富士山……”   抚子与凛,由两人的相遇而衍生的户外系girls story开始了。Nadeshiko, a high school student who had moved from Shizuoka to Yamanashi, decides to see the famous, 1000 yen-bill-featured Mount Fuji. Even though she manages to bike all the way to Motosu, she's forced to turn back because of worsening weather. Unable to set her eyes on her goal, she faints partway to her destination. When she wakes up, it's night, in a place she's never been before, with no way of knowing how to get home. Nadeshiko is saved when she encounters Rin, a girl who is out camping by herself. This outdoorsy girls story begins with this first encounter between Nadeshiko and Rin.
Heya Camp - 06 (480p)-HorribleSubs[TGx]

资源名:Heya Camp - 06 (480p)-HorribleSubs[TGx]




资源名:Heya Camp - 06 (480p)-HorribleSubs[TGx]
