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理发师艾迪(Billy Bob Thornton 饰)的生活平淡无奇,在百货店担任簿记的妻子多丽丝(Frances McDormand 饰)和他貌合神离,艾迪凭丈夫的直觉断定妻子与其老板戴夫有染。一日,艾迪接待的一位客人大肆吹嘘新兴的干洗生意,并拉拢艾迪投资,不甘在小镇寂寞一生的艾迪决意入股,并向戴夫发出了匿名威胁信勒索以获得资金。艾迪如愿收到封口费,但事情很快暴露,戴夫找到艾迪泄愤不成反被杀死。戴夫之死导致多丽丝入狱,艾迪反而未受怀疑,于是他超脱于事件之外,每日只靠少女贝蒂(Scarlett Johansson 饰)的琴声打发时光,不久一场车祸让事情急转直下……   本片获2001年戛纳电影节最佳导演奖,2002年英国电影学院奖最佳摄影奖,伦敦电影协会年度男演员、最佳编剧等19项褒奖。1949, Santa Rosa, California. A laconic, chain-smoking barber with fallen arches tells a story of a man trying to escape a humdrum life. It's a tale of suspected adultery, blackmail, foul play, death, Sacramento city slickers, racial slurs, invented war heroics, shaved legs, a gamine piano player, aliens, and Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. Ed Crane cuts hair in his in-law's shop; his wife drinks and may be having an affair with her boss, Big Dave, who has $10,000 to invest in a second department store. Ed gets wind of a chance to make money in dry cleaning. Blackmail and investment are his opportunity to be more than a man no one notices. Settle in the chair and listen.
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资源名:El Hombre que nunca Estuvo Alli [BDremux 1080 px][AC3 5.1 Castellano-DTS 5.1 Ingles+Subs][ES-EN]


    El Hombre que nunca Estuvo Alli [BDremux 1080 px][AC3 5.1 Castellano-DTS 5.1 Ingles+Subs][ES-EN]

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