
原名:最后的春光   又名:The Vanishing Spring Light

状态:49播放   更新:2023-06-03 07:06:39

影片讲述了中国西南地区的一个有着两千多年历史的小城镇,一条名为“西街”的街道上住着蒋婆婆一家和其他的老街坊们。影片记录了那里寻常百姓的家庭生活,以及蒋婆婆生命的最后一段旅程,是中国人生命观、家庭观的缩影,也反映了中国人的血脉亲情。West Street is in Dujiangyan City, in the Sichuan province in the southwest of China. Its history goes back more than 2,000 years. Debuting director shows us the old West Street community, in this first part following the last days of Grandma Jiang. The everyday conversations she has with the filmmaker about her health and children turn out to have a tragic subtext. THE VANISHING SPRING LIGHT is a film about love and loss within a family, about obligations and blood ties, about guilt, change and fate.
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