
原名:The Three   又名:三人行 / Troe

状态:34播放   更新:2023-06-03 07:06:11

俄国著名脱口秀主持人萨沙娶了网红妻子,但他在圣彼得堡还有年轻情人。本片由亚美尼亚裔女导演安娜·米利克扬自编自导,俄罗斯极富盛名的男星康斯坦丁·哈宾斯基携手2015年北京国际电影节天坛奖最佳女主角尤利娅·别列希尔德出演。导演采用一种现代温情的女性主义视角,观察三角关系中婚姻的现实种种,探索妻子的困境,将男性置于女性目光之下窥探内心。该片荣获2021年俄罗斯影评人协会白象奖最佳摄影及最佳男演员提名。Zlata lives in Moscow and works as a psychologist and author of motivational videos. She believes that she and Sasha have a wonderful marriage, which helped the two to realize themselves and gave them ten years of a wonderful life, in which, unfortunately, only a child is missing. Sasha is obviously of a different opinion, as he secretly meets another woman. This is Veronica, who lives in St. Petersburg, works as a tour guide and is fond of poetry. When Sasha tries to drown, Veronica helps him to get out of the water. Successful comedian, diligent husband and gentle lover - Sasha is torn between several roles, two cities and two completely different women. Is it possible for him to make a choice?
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