
原名:虚構推理   又名:Invented Inference / In/Spectre

状态:12集全   更新:2024-01-21 06:01:54

深夜,挥舞巨大钢筋袭击人类的亡灵“钢人七濑”。是单纯的都市传说,还是真正的亡灵?给予妖魔鬼怪们智慧的巫女——岩永琴子,与之正面抗衡。为了消灭由人类想象力创造的恐怖妖怪,为了对抗虚构,琴子设下了由虚构组成的重重机关。When she was still just a girl, Kotoko was kidnapped by the spirits that asked her to become a mediator between the two worlds, as well as the Goddess of Wisdom for these spirits. However, power always comes with a price: an eye and a leg. Now, years later, watching out for dangerous spirits, helping the good spirits, Kotoko meets a mysterious young man named Kurou and immediately takes an interest in him. How can spirits be afraid of a single human and what secrets does Kurou hide?
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